Stage + Screen



Tamela Blalock serves as the VP, of Cooperative Relations with the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International, where she enhances engagement and impact with the trade association among the cooperative leadership community.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode

  • Sponsorship vs. Mentorship

  • Intentional careers in trade associations

  • Bandwith management, staff burnout, EI & team motivation

  • Being a change agent while serving on the SLT/ELT

This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.



Happy GMID21! Here on Hospitality Today Live, we have Tamela Blalock with us. Tamela is the Principal at Blalock Consulting where she serves as a consultant for associations and DMOs in the areas of next-gen governance, revenue generation strategies, and EDI strategic management.

On this special GMID, Tamela will share with us about truth and accountability along with the critical importance of local government networking and relationship building.



Would you wager $1,000 that your association will be critically relevant 5 years from now? Would you gamble your association’s reserves on that same bet?

AGILITY was a reliable competitive advantage of associations whose leaders had the foresight to flow with the evolving world, changing economies, and blending of industries. Agility requires association leaders to drive a culture that (1) anticipates and adjusts to change, (2) is comfortable to take risks, fail fast & learn faster, and (3) prioritizes its relevance to its members.


In a world where hybrid offices are becoming the new norm and multigenerational and multicultural staff are having to find new ways to collaborate, cultural agility and inclusive leadership have never been more important. New leaders must "walk the walk," showing empathy, cultural competence, strategic thinking, and foresight to ensure their associations and careers can succeed in times of volatility and uncertainty. During this session, four association leaders and DEI experts will take you on a journey to identify your areas for development and growth while sharing their experiences and insights on making your career resilient and crisis-proof. Through a series of real-life scenarios and case studies, we will show you how you can hone your existing abilities and skills and develop new ones that will build your inclusive leadership toolkit and set you on a path of professional success and personal growth.



So many of us dream about that top job in the association industry. That coveted seat from where we will be able to build a culture of trust and innovation, work hand-in-hand with a supportive board and deeply transform our organizations. And we will do all that in our first 90 days! But when reality comes knocking, you wonder how you got there. During this session, three former CEOs will share the lessons they have learned through some sticky, real-life, scenarios to highlight the successes, challenges, and unbelievable moments–the good, the bad and the ugly. And along this journey, an experienced executive coach will offer their professional expertise and advice on how to handle some complex situations.



You know the value of non-dues revenue to support your member initiatives, strategic goals and capabilities. You’re probably doing okay with some existing added revenue streams, too – but is it enough? Our panel of financial and revenue experts review ways for associations of all sizes, missions and levels of financial savvy to tap into new sources of non-dues revenue. We cover how to evaluate potential non-dues revenue ventures before you commit staff and organizational investment in them. And we discuss how to ensure the success of a new revenue generating venture through marketing, member buy-in and unbiased, data-based evaluation.


A successful volunteer leadership journey can propel your career to new heights. Learn from four association executives as they share their experiences and insights on making the volunteer journey work for you by developing your volunteer career plan. Through real-life case studies, you will learn how to leverage your volunteer track record as you advance professionally.



A recent study by Bizzabo revealed that 70% of speakers at events across the world are male. The same study found that only a fraction of those same event speakers were people of color.

As an event planner, you have the opportunity to create experiences that are not just inclusive and accessible, but welcoming to your diverse audiences. While there is a lot to consider, good design is a process. Any progress toward inclusion is a success. During this interview-style session, you will find out how one leading organization has embraced an inclusive culture and insight into their best practices for developing accessible event experiences.

This session is designed to help participants identify the business value in reaching under-represented markets and the critical strategies needed in making your own events more accessible from both a business event strategist or supplier perspective.



The Section on Women’s Health (SoWH) is a federated independent association affiliated with the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). SoWH is a 3,450+-member professional association for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and DPT students working within and advocating for vital areas of women’s and men’s health, including pelvic floor health, sport injury recovery, and continence..


GOVERNANCE + leadership

“My chief goals are to be more present and choose happiness. How we spend our time and how we dedicate our attention demonstrate what we value most. I also believe that happiness is a choice. Each morning I select a daily affirmation that helps me to embrace happiness as my truth.”