Excerpt from: Medical Associations on a Mission

This is an excerpt from the article: Medical Associations on a Mission, Joint Interviews with Three Association Executives, as published in the Boardroom publication on July 2018.

Kerry Crockett, Associate Executive Director of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Tamela Blalock, Executive Director, of the Section of Women’s Health, and Kirsten Olean, Director of Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology, sat down with Boardroom and let us peer into the eventful life of their respective organisations. All sitting on the PCMA Board of Directors, the three seasoned women had loads of interesting insights on the challenges – and opportunities – of running medical associations.

Interview Rémi Dév

What have your main challenges been as a medical association?

Tamela Blalock: Through my lens I only see opportunities. SoWH, and other medical associations, have the opportunity to connect with the general public on their medical treatment options. For SoWH, that opportunity is to support the #ChoosePT movement, especially to amplify how physical therapy is a viable solution for pain management. Focusing on the pelvic region, we also are taking this opportunity to amplify the message that there is non-surgical relief from pelvic pain and incontinence (urinary/bowel).

The great news is that there is a feast of medical specialties and expertises that have life changing solutions for the global community. The challenge (or opportunity) is that there are so many options and messages to communicate. We need to find a way to streamline these options so that they are more accessible to the general public.

Excerpt from: When Your Superpower is Member Development and Revenue Generation