Webinar Overview: Building Intentionally Inclusive Boards

This is an overview of the webinar: Strengthening Your Association’s Governance: Building Intentionally Inclusive Boards, produced by ASAE on December 14, 2022.

Session: Strengthening Your Association’s Governance: Building Intentionally Inclusive Boards

Produced by: ASAE

Building an inclusive Board doesn’t happen by accident. It takes intention, it takes dedication, and it takes continual commitment in a journey for ever-learning and improvement. In this session we will hear from approaches and practices associations and their leaders have been employing over this past year and beyond to see a more inclusive governance. We will hear about how those conversations start, how the process of inclusive evolution needs intentional design, and how transformation isn’t just for the moment but months & years to come.

This online seminar features facilitated audio content and conversations. Soon after registering, attendees will receive login information from Zoom. Participants will have access to the recorded session, reference materials, and more for up to 30 days following the program.

Access to the webinar content is available here: Strengthening Your Association’s Governance: Building Intentionally Inclusive Boards, produced by ASAE on December 14, 2022.

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