Inclusive Event Design 2023 Course - Supplemental Documents

Inclusive Event Design 2023 Course - Supplemental Documents

The following includes links to support documents for the Inclusive Event Design 2023 Course.

Planning Resources:

●        Accessible Events: a practical guide to best practices and resources (link)

●        Accessible Events Planning Document (link)

●        Event Diversity and Inclusion Activation Tracking (link)

●        Event Accessibility Planning Matrix (link)

Content Design Resources:

●        Skift Meetings = 200+ Event Ideas To Steal Today

●        Slido = 85 Conference and Interactive Event Ideas For 2023

●        Eventbrite = 10 Fun Ideas for Making Your Event More Interactive

●        InEvent = 10 Entertainment ideas for events that delight attendees

Speakers Resources:

●        Flock Theory (link) = Flock Theory is a future-forward speaker agency specializing in modern learning strategy, irresistible thought leadership, and integrated training & events solutions.

Image Resources:

●        TONL (link) = Find culturally diverse stock photos that represent the true world we live in. Creating an inclusive culture takes both commitment and action. A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions for everyone.

Community Experts & Network Associations

●        Journalism Associations

  • National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)

  • National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ)

  • Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA)

  • South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA)

  • Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA)

  • National Center on Disability and Journalism

  • National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA)

Webinar Overview: Building Intentionally Inclusive Boards